TY Trip to Glasnevin Cemetery

On Thursday 25th February the Transition Year History Class with Ms. Leahy and Ms. Mills embarked on a tour of Glasnevin Cemetery. We met our tour guide Colette and our first stop was the grave of Michael Collins. Colette gave a very interesting account of Collins life and his pre0mature death. From there we progressed on to discover more about the lives of many of Irelands most fasmous historical figures including O’Donovan Rossa, Parnell, Markievicz, Daniel O’Connell and de Valera. In the crypt of O’Connell we learned that by touching the coffin of O’Connell good luck would follow. As Grace reminded us all with the Leaving Cert on the horizon we could do with all the luck we could get, so O’Connell’s coffin felt many Kilkenny hands that morning!

Overall it was a very enjoyable and hugely educational experience. We finished off the day with lunch and shopping at Blanchardstown.

tys in glasnevin